Tonight I have no pictures ... I will do a good set next week.
On Friday I added another pump into the system and increased my water flow by around 40%. I also flushed the newly commissioned bottom drain filter system on Pond #1 properly. I added plants and some brushes and it is good to see the difference between the entry water and exit water. Obviously the bio side will take time to kick in but I am happy with the filtration side.
All the plants in the veggie pond is showing strong growth and I can see some roots appearing through the holes in some of the pots.
Last week I experimented with some filtration objects and the results are actually quite pleasing ... considering the cost it is actually bloody good.
I will show details tomorrow.
I paid my workers overtime to finish the bottom drain filter structure for Pond #2 and I was sure it would be finished. However the weather had other plans. Today was overcast, cool and some drizzle from time to time. The result is that the plastering could not be completed because it was drying too slow.
I am seeing a marked improvement in the water condition and visibility is up to around 800mm with the water colour more blue-gray than pea soup green. I have also noticed strong algae matting forming in the rivers and waterfalls. Some of the filter chambers are also showing good matting and I am happy.
Overall the whole system just looks very healthy and alive. The fish are extremely active and they are all over the ponds.
Hopefully my parcel from Paul will arrive on Tuesday and then I will try and catch that worm carrier
Thanks again for all your advice and contributions to my project.