On Sunday 6 May 2007 the day broke cisp and clear as it can only be in early winter in the Lowveld. I met my brother Wouter and his better half in Sabie at the Woodsman for breakfeast. On this beautiful morning it was decided that the fact that Grizaan's bike, BMW F650 GS, is almost one year old and only has 27kms on the clock was not a good thing.
It was decided that she would get going on the bike tody ...
Well she was very nervous about the gear shifting and she is very capable on a bicycle. So without much more words we set of to Wouter's home with the objective to get Grizaan mobile

To her own surprise it was not so hard ... here follows a small strip of images ...
This coming Thursday she goes to Zwartkops to attend the BMW Riding classes and at least is capable of riding.